Do I Put Adsense (using a classic template)
article asumes you are using a classic template, on a layouts-enabled
blog, just add a new page element and select the adsense option
adsense to your blog is easy. Go to the template tab in blogger and
you’ll see an “Adsense ads” tab below it:
you dont have an Adsense account already, you can sign up for it
right here within blogger. Just enter a valid email address, choose a
password, fiil in some contact information(so you can get paid) and
then blogger will register your accont for you right away. If you do
have an account already, just use the “sign in” link instead.
you have completed the sign-up form, or logged in to an existing
account version of your template, showing your blog as it will look
with your new ads:
the menus above the preview, you can easlly change the size, shape,
and color of your ads, without ever needing to edit the direcly. The
color menu has some present color schemes, but also some flexible
options that try match, contrast or blend with whatever template you
happen to be using. Try them all out and see which setting works
you have decided how you’d like it look, just save the changes and
republish your blog. Then go check your email. While you werw
deciding on layouts and collors, you probably received a confirmation
email from AdSense. Find that email and click on the link it gives
you to confirm your email address. Be sure to read the rest of the
confirmation email as well, since it will contain other information
on finishing the regristration and approval process. Until your email
address is confirmed and your adsense application is approved, your
ads will anly show public service announcements (PSAs) rather than
targeted ads. Since you dont get revenue from PSAs, you’ll want to
be sure to do this soon, so the AdSenses but can crawl your sie and
determine appropriate ads to show.
now you’re done, congratulation, you have got AdSense.
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