Saturday, April 21, 2012

TUGAS BAHAS INGGRIS BISNIS 2 _How Do I Put Adsense (using a classic template)

How Do I Put Adsense (using a classic template)

This article asumes you are using a classic template, on a layouts-enabled blog, just add a new page element and select the adsense option
Adding adsense to your blog is easy. Go to the template tab in blogger and you’ll see an “Adsense ads” tab below it:
If you dont have an Adsense account already, you can sign up for it right here within blogger. Just enter a valid email address, choose a password, fiil in some contact information(so you can get paid) and then blogger will register your accont for you right away. If you do have an account already, just use the “sign in” link instead.

Once you have completed the sign-up form, or logged in to an existing account version of your template, showing your blog as it will look with your new ads:
Using the menus above the preview, you can easlly change the size, shape, and color of your ads, without ever needing to edit the direcly. The color menu has some present color schemes, but also some flexible options that try match, contrast or blend with whatever template you happen to be using. Try them all out and see which setting works best.

Once you have decided how you’d like it look, just save the changes and republish your blog. Then go check your email. While you werw deciding on layouts and collors, you probably received a confirmation email from AdSense. Find that email and click on the link it gives you to confirm your email address. Be sure to read the rest of the confirmation email as well, since it will contain other information on finishing the regristration and approval process. Until your email address is confirmed and your adsense application is approved, your ads will anly show public service announcements (PSAs) rather than targeted ads. Since you dont get revenue from PSAs, you’ll want to be sure to do this soon, so the AdSenses but can crawl your sie and determine appropriate ads to show.
And now you’re done, congratulation, you have got AdSense.


Friend is not matematics can be obtaned from the formula. Economic or material can be assessed. Nor can PPKN processed Amigos tome, not going to happen, if not mutual understanding.
Moreover, it insisted on these words never be perfect. That is the meaning of friend.



You may choose to associate information with your OpenID that can be shared with the websites you visit, such as name or your email adreess. With openID, you control how much of that information is shared with the websites you visit

With Open Id, your password is only given to your identity provider, and that provider , no website ever sees your password, so you dont need to worry about an uscrupulous or insecure website compromising your identity.

OpenID is rapidly gaining adoption on the web, with over one billion openID enabled user accounts and over 50.000 ebsites accpeting openID for logins. Several Large Organizations either issue or accept openIDs, including Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL, MySpace, Sears, Universal Music, Group, France Telecom, Novell, Sun, Telecom italia, and many more.

Who owns or controls openID?
OpenID was created in the sumer of 2005 by an open source community trying to solve a problem that was not easily solve by other existing identity technologies . as such, openID is decentralized and not owned by one, not shold it be.
Today, anyone can choose to use an openID or become an openID provider for free without having to register or be approved by any organization.
The oppenID Fondation was formed to assits the open source model by providding needed infrastructure and generally helping to promote and supoport expanded adoption of openID


Abrief History Of the tooth brush ( Do You Know?)

Did you know that the habit of cleaning the teeth have started thousands of years ago by the Babilonians? History records that in the years 3500 BC, The ancient Babylonians had ussed chewingstick-which chewed to clean their teeth. Not only the babylonians, asians and africans also use chewingstick to clean their teeth. People of asia and africatypically use twigs, roots or part trees that have in turn was evaporated to be chewed. I so thought the grandmother in the village wholikes to chew betel nut. In addition to utilizing the areca nut,betel reputedly at the time of the war used to be someone that indonesia used bricks crushed to clean their teeth
Those chinese are trusted to use toothbrush for the first time in 1400s dont imagine a tootbrush are as usual we use today, at atime when it is created by using a toothbrush bristle porcupines in a bamboo stick or animal bone the size of a pencil.
Now we cand find a tootbrush with a variety of shapes and sizes in the grocery stalls near house.
Anyone have a great brush heads, there ini a hairy brush zig-zag, and there is also an electronic toothbrush that utilizes power battery. Lucky we live in these days , because we do not need to use a toothbrush hairy hedgehog.
Source :


My Opinion About Demontration
Dahlan Iskan :
Kepentingan Politik Ganggu Ekonomi RI

Jakarta – Mentri Badan Usaha Milik Negara(BUMN) Dahlan Isklan menyayangkan aksi demo yang dilakukan banyak masyarakat di indonesia dalam rangka menolak kenaikan hargga Bahan Bakar Minyak(BBM) subsidi, pasalnya demo tersebut menganggu aktivitas perekonomian

Menurutnya di indonesia memang sudah biasa kepentingan ekonomi kalah oleh kepentingan politik. Jika diteruskan hal ini bisa berbahaya bagi kelanjutan bangsa ini
Ratusan ribu kepentingan masyarakat terganggu oleh ribuan demonstran sehingga kepentingan ekonomi kalah oleh kepentingan politik,” katanya kepada detikFinance, jumat (30/3/12)
Ia mengatakan , jika kebiasaan ini terus dilakukan maka bangsa Indonesia akan sulit bersaing dengan negara tetangga seperti, Malaysia dan Singapura.
Kalau terlalu sering kepentingan ekonomi kalah engan kepentingan politik bangsa ini akan sulit bersaing dengan negara tetangga seperi Malaysia apalagi Singapura,” ujarnya.
Seperti deiketahui, ribuan masa berkonsentrasi didepan pintu gerbang gedung DPR di jalan Gatot Subroto sejak pagi tadi. Massa meminta DPR tidak menyetujui rencana kenaikan BBM subsidi oleh pemerintah 1 april nanti.
Pera demonstrasi yang masih tengan pun mulai beringas selepas menunaikan ibadah salat jumat bareng dilokasi yang sama. Salah satu kerusakan yang diakibatkan aksi massa itu adalah gerbang DPR dan pagar pembatas Tol milik Jasa Marga.
Atas demo tersebut, lalu lintas jakarta di beberap ruan lumpuh. Aktivitas ekonomi di ibukota pun menjadi terbatas. pasalnya tol yang diduduki demonstran berada dipusat kota yang merupakan salah satu tol paling sibuk di jakarta.

As we know, thousands of masses concentrated outside the gate DPR building in Gatot Subroto since this morning. Mass asked DPR not approved the planned fuel oil price hikessubsidized by the goverment 1 april. I think as indonesian citizen good should we be able to be wise. In one hand we defend the people who cannot on one side and we have to understand that interest in indonesia not only for one person or two people, boot will alot of interest on the individuals
Iam also disappointed with the attitude of demontration that day the anarchist act. It’s definitely not an action that does not reperesent the people who are suffring
They only think of the sheer selfishness. Keep the existence of moral cultivation in their hearts as good citizens when performing their first action demonstrations.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Nama Kelompok 3EB07 : Rafika Suri,Ramadhania Fadillah, Silvana, Siska Nurul